Qui sommes-nous ?


L’association du Chemin du philosophe comporte trois types d’activités :

1)  L’entretien et l’animation du Chemin du philosophe en forêt de Montmorency.

2)  L’organisation de cafés philos, de conférences, d’ateliers de lecture, de sorties à thèmes en forêt.

3)  La maintenance de ce blog qui tient à jour le programme des activités et qui les archive depuis 2008.

+ Retrouvez facilement le site Internet du Chemin du philosophe en tapant "cheminphilo" sur un moteur de recherche Internet.

+ Pour découvrir le Chemin du philosophe en forêt : un petit film .

+ Pour télécharger la brochure 2021 du Chemin du Philosophe.

+ Audioguide du Chemin du philosophe en forêt, télécharger sur smartphone via le lien ou avec le code QR (en forêt le chargement par QR dépend du réseau de votre fournisseur d'accès).

+ S'y promener avec ValdoiseMyBalade.

+ Pour trouver le Chemin du Philosophe : carte (avec le GPS, programmer 179, rue de Paris, Montlignon, le parking est proche).

+ La participation aux activités de l'association implique une éthique de neutralité et de tolérance ainsi qu'une étiquette de courtoisie. L’accès est libre à la plupart des activités.

+ Pour soutenir et adhérer à l'association ou renouveler annuellement : Bulletin d'adhésion.

+ Pour nous écrire : cheminduphilosophe(arobase)wanadoo.fr


Station "L'homme et le cosmos"

Station "L'homme et le cosmos"
Cadran solaire analemmatique - juin 2014


Programme des activités à venir (cliquez sur le lien)


Fonction Sound est limitée à 200 caractères

dimanche 27 février 2011

Promenade internationale sur le Chemin du philosophe

Ce samedi 26 février 2011, Annick, Georges, Philippe et Pierre ont eu le plaisir d'être les guides pour une vingtaine de jeunes et de moins jeunes français et expatriés partis à la découverte du Chemin du philosophe en forêt de Montmorency. Il s'agit de rencontres de randonneurs parisiens fort sympathiques originaires des quatre coins du monde  et avides de culture ainsi que de belle nature.

Everyday Nature Paris

Paris Hikers

Ils ont poussé l'amabilité jusqu'à traduire en anglais les panneaux  installés sur le Chemin. Grand merci à eux !

For a presentation of the signposts of the walk in French, see here


1. The human and the cosmos

The earth is a tiny planet lost in the round of
billion stars in a galaxy similar to the billions
other galaxies which make up our universe. Man is
also lost in the eternity of time. His life is the result
of subtle alchemies that take place in both stars and atoms, in which the constituents of life are formed.
The three stones arranged in a triangle symbolize the geometric representation of the world, which is necessary for its understanding.

After all, what is a man amidst nature?
A nothing in relation to the infinite, a whole with respect to the nil, a middle between nothing and everything ...

Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) (French mathematician, physicist, inventor, writer and catholic philosopher)

2. Passage

The crossing of this stream suggests a metaphor of passing from one state to another and processes of constant transformations  in nature and in human conditions.
These transformations can be done mildly or through crisis but they always open up new horizons.

Existance consist of change, change of becoming mature, becoming mature of creating oneself indefinitely.

Henri Bergson (1859-1941) (French philosopher)

3. Cemetry of Bosc

Cemetery Bosc suggests that our inevitable destiny is death. But the fates during a lifetime consist of infinite diversity.
They consist of more or less subtle blend of determinism, chance and free will.

Creating is about giving a form to your destiny.
Albert Camus (1913-1960) (French author, philosopher and journalist)

Louis Augustin Guillaume Bosc (or Louis-Augustin Bosc d'Antic) (January 29, 1759 – July 10, 1828) was a French botanist, invertebrate zoologist, and entomologist.

4. Man and nature

Nowadays, man is a predator of the biosphere.
He depletes natural resources, changes the climate and
heads towards a new mass extinction. It is confronted with apparently contradictory orders: preserve nature he belongs to and maintain the benefits of technology. These benefits
are not only of material order but also of cultural and moral. The sculpture by Michel Leclercq, erected in June 2009, addresses this complexity.

One only asks nature for something by being obedeint to it.
Francis Bacon (1561-1626) (English philosopher, scientist, lawyer) 

5. The man, the other and society

The Oak and the clear light evoke the gathering.
Man is a being, which is both individual and collective. Both
dimensions evolve together, often in conflict. The major systems of regulation of behavior (states, laws, religions, customs), and the values of solidarity,
brotherhood and love should, in principle, allow one to live better together and evolve in the direction of progress.

The other person, that's myself. Nothing separates it, absolutely nothing except his pure and total freedom...
Jean-Paul Satre (1905-1980) (French philosopher, novelist, playwright and political activist)

6. Rooting

These roots, which come up to the surface of the path evoke the
subterranean life constituting nearly half the world alive. The two way of lives feed off each other. You can see a metaphor in this for our cultural roots,
which shape our daily lives.

The past illuminates the present.
Karl Jaspers (1883-1940) (German pyschiatrist and philosopher)

7. The man and his history
(Fountain St. Radegund, 12th Century.)

The ruins of the priory of Bois-des-Saints-Peres, formerly held
as a pilgrimage, are overgrown by vegetation and suggest
the evanescence of all memory. These ruins belong to the
religious heritage of our Western civilization, which
feeds our history and our worldview.

Hope is a risk to run.
Georges Bernanos (1888-1948) (French author and WW 1 soldier)

8. The hereafter

This site, located on an old dike with a view to the cemetery of
Bosc, is separated by the creek that could evoke
Acheron, the river of the underworld. Funeral rites are
among the first signs of human evolution, namely
capacity to develop a hereafter of oneself and things.

There is no favorable wind to someone who doesn't know where he goes.
Seneca (4 BC. - 65 AD.) (Roman philosopher, dramatist and statesman)

9. Crossroads

This place at the crossroads evoques the meetings and
furcations that mark the fates. All structures
in nature and in our lives result from interactions at

The contradiction is the root of all movement and
of any vital manifestation.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) (German philsopher)

10. Mankind and his work

The deep forest keeps track of the first human activities. The man has not only mastered certain natural phenomena, he invented things,
which nature did not use in this way before (institutions, economy, electricity, telecommunications, machinery, ...).
The works of man determine his own evolution and the natural environment, for better or for worse.
How far?

Work helps us to stay away from three great evils: boredom,
vice and need. We must cultivate our garden.
Voltaire (1694-1778) (French writer, philosopher and activist)

11. Reflections

The reflection of the landscape on the surface of the pond depends on the position of the observer, the state of this surface, lighting ... Our perception of reality also
depends on many factors, some of which may lead to false representations.

The society saw only illusions. Every society is a
sort of collective dream.

Paul Valery (1871-1945) (French poet and philosopher).

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